LABOKLIN is a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, established 25 years ago and situated in Bad Kissingen, Germany, with several subsidiaries in different countries. The laboratory offers the whole spectrum of diagnostic tests (including clinicial chemistry, hematology, microbiology, parasitology, molecular biology and pathohistology/cytology). Many species are covered with a special focus on companion animals.
LABOKLIN is looking for a veterinary pathologist (mandatory: Dipl. ECVP/ACVP) to join the team of more than 40 vets including 9 pathologists.
Duties and responsibilities cover histopathology, cytology and immunohistochemistry; place (country) of employment to be discussed. The successful candidate will be able and willing to give talks/seminars at national and international meetings. Autonomous diagnostic work is required. The applicant should be bilingual. Interested individuals should write a letter of interest with a description of their experience, a curriculum vitae and contact details to Enable JavaScript to view this email address..
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