Category: Job Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Last Updated: 12 December 2013

This post is one of five core veterinary pathology posts in the School. It is located in both the Liverpool and Leahurst Campus. You will undertake teaching and research in veterinary pathology, and provision of diagnostic and research pathology services to the University and external clients.

The Division of Veterinary Pathology is part of the School of Veterinary Science in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences. The University of Liverpool has particularly strong biomedical research programmes in drug safety science and infectious diseases, programmes that involve extensive, interdisciplinary collaboration between the Research Institutes and Schools of the Faculty and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. In addition the School of Veterinary Science has strong links with national organisations such as the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) and the National Centre for Zoonosis Research, and with industry.

Range of duties:
• Teaching BVSc and BSc Bioveterinary Science undergraduates;
• Enthusiastic membership of the pathology team, contributing to postgraduate residency training schemes throughout the Faculty, but especially in Veterinary Pathology;
• Contributing to the running of diagnostic pathology services to the Faculty’s Veterinary Hospitals and Chester Zoo, to its external pathology diagnostic services, the VLA/DEFRA surveillance capacity at Leahurst, and further developing diagnostic and research techniques in pathology;
• Future leadership of components of the Veterinary Laboratory Services of the School;
• Developing a research programme, preferably within one of the existing research groups in the Faculty or in collaboration with groups elsewhere in the University;
• Contributing to the administration of the Division and School according to experience and need.

Closing Date: 3 February 2012

Further information