Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In these very challenging times, our first thoughts go to all individuals affected by COVID-19 and their beloved ones, as well as all people and health care providers that are fighting the current Sars-CoV-2 pandemic around the world.
In light of recent global and national developments, the ESTP, ESVP and ECVP, as well as their Scientific and Local Organising committees have made the difficult but sensible decision to postpone our joint Cutting Edge Pathology congress by one year, to the end of August / beginning of September 2021 in Torino, Italy.
Within the coming days, the respective Scientific Organising Committees and the professional congress organiser EV S.r.l will contact invited speakers and sponsors with additional details.
We would like to ensure you of our joint efforts to keep the financial impact associated with this postponement to a minimum.
Please change or cancel any travel or hotel arrangements you may have already made. Many airlines are opting to waive change fees, so please do check if this is the case for your ticket.
We thank you for your understanding and we are looking forward to meeting you again in person in 2021, at our CEP congress in Torino, Italy. The exact dates will be announced shortly.
We will be writing to you soon, to provide information on plans to host the ESVP AGM online.
Stay safe and healthy.
Yours sincerely
Best regards,
Anna-Lena, Laura and Wolfgang
Anna-Lena Frisk
European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)
Wolfgang Baumgärtner
European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP)
Laura Pena
European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP)
Jérôme Abadie, chair of the ECVP/ESVP Scientific Committee and Raffaella Capobianco and Pierluigi Fant, co-chairs of the ESTP Scientific Organising Committee
Bartolomeo Biolatti and Enrico Bollo, co-chairs of the Local Organising Committee