ECVP/ESVP Summer School in Veterinary Pathology
The ECVP/ESVP Education Committee is now organising the Summer School 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland from Monday 19.07.2010 to Friday 30.07.2010.
The venue will be the Veterinary Faculty. One large histology seminar room in the building of the Department of Veterinary Pathology will be available. It is fully equipped with all necessary audiovisual and digital microscope facilities and with laptops for all participants. These also provide access to the internet.
Accommodation will be available at a reasonable price in a hotel near the city centre, which can easily be reached by public transport. The Vetsuisse Faculty Zϋrich is located approximately 5 km from the city centre and 4 km from the Hotel, and there is a frequent bus service.