If you wish to post a meeting on our Web site, please contact the President.
Neuropathology meeting (University of Hannover)
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 07 May 2021
You are invited by the University of Hannover to join the next Neuropathology meeting, which will be on Thursday 20th of May 2021, 5.30 pm CEST.
Please join the meeting via the link below:
IDEXX UK Lymphoma case review
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 07 May 2021
On behalf of IDEXX UK, you are invited to the next Lymphoma case review. The meeting will be on Wednesday 19th May, 9.30-10 UK time (10.30-11 CEST). During the meeting, interesting lymphoma cases from routine caseload will be discussed. This is an informal meeting, so please do not hesitate to make questions or provide your experience on the cases discussed.
Please join the meeting via the link below:
3rd Joint Webinar ESTP/SFPT/BSTP and ECVP/ESVP – Immune System
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 22 April 2021
With the objective of continuous pathology education, the webinar committee, which consists of members from the ESTP, SFPT, ESVP, ECVP, BSTP, would like to invite you all to attend this year’s webinars. The first two joint webinars were well attended with over 200 participants.
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 15 April 2021
Dear friends of Ophthalmo(patho)logy,
We would like to invite you to our “Ophthalmology-Rounds” as a joint meeting of clinicians and pathologists. At each meeting, two cases of ocular pathology are presented from the perspective of clinicians and pathologists in order to refine interdisciplinary communication and raise awareness for chances and pitfalls of ocular diagnostics.
You can join our upcoming meeting on 21. April 2021 at 5 p.m. (MEZ/ UTC+2h) on MS-Teams by clicking the attached link below:
IDEXX UK Lymphoma case review
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 26 April 2021
On behalf of IDEXX UK, you are invited to the next Lymphoma case review. The meeting will be on Wednesday April 28th, 9.30-10 UK time (10.30-11 CEST). During the meeting, interesting lymphoma cases from routine caseload will be discussed.
SFAPV: Tips and Tricks in Canine and Feline Mammary Tumor Pathology
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 26 February 2021
Registrations are now open for the seminar on canine and feline mammary tumors to be held next March.
BSTP: Upcoming Events
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 23 December 2020
Virtual Continuing Education Symposium 3: Carcinogenesis
Virtual Continuing Education Symposium 4: Respiratory System
The 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the BSTP and AGM
Cutting Edge Pathology congress: Important Message
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 20 July 2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In these very challenging times, our first thoughts go to all individuals affected by COVID-19 and their beloved ones, as well as all people and health care providers that are fighting the current Sars-CoV-2 pandemic around the world.
In light of recent global and national developments, the ESTP, ESVP and ECVP, as well as their Scientific and Local Organising committees have made the difficult but sensible decision to postpone our joint Cutting Edge Pathology congress by one year, to the end of August / beginning of September 2021 in Torino, Italy.
The 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society of Toxicological Pathology (BSTP) held jointly with the British Toxicology Society (BTS)
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 08 October 2019
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th November 2019
Hilton Newcastle and Gateshead Hotel, Bottle Bank, Gateshead, UK
SFAPV seminar, December 2019, Veterinary School of Alfort
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 23 September 2019
Dear all,
It is with pleasure that we announce the next seminar of the SFAPV which will take place from Thursday 12 to Saturday 14 December 2019 at the Veterinary School of Alfort, near Paris. This seminar will be dedicated to gastrointestinal biopsies and in particular to their clinico-pathological correlations. We will have the pleasure to welcome on this occasion specialists on these subjects, Drs Valérie Freiche (ENVA, Paris, France), Simon Priestnall (Royal Veterinay College, London) and Michael D. Willard (Texas A & M University, USA).
ASVP: 2019 Scientific Conference
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 18 June 2019
Neuropathology: It’s A No Brainer!
13 15 SEPTEMBER, 2019
Mercure Hotel 10, Irwin Street, Perth, Western Australia
Registrations are now open for our 2019 deep dive into veterinary neuropathology
ESTP: Award Information for the 17th European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology, Cologne, Germany
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 18 June 2019
Several awards are available, aimed at trainees and others, who are presenting a poster at the ESTP meeting In Copenhagen this year. The deadline for application is 21 June 2019. Please see the pdf for more information.
In addition, there is an award for a thesis or publication in the field of toxicological pathology; please see pdf for details (deadline is 31 July).
BSTP: Notice of Future Meetings (March 2019)
- Category: Meetings
- Meetings
- Last Updated: 16 April 2019