Category: Newsletter
Last Updated: 18 October 2014


On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, Veterinary Faculty of the Zagreb University, European Society of Veterinary Pathology, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Republic of Croatia it is my honor to welcome you to Dubrovnik for 26th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology.

Our Meeting was and it still is the most important scientific event in the field of Veterinary Pathology which is recognized every year by couple of hundred veterinary pathologists not only from Europe but from all over the world. This tendency is especially present this year, and all of us are very pleased because of that. All organizers made an effort to review the scientific contributions of the submitted papers and to organize it in the adequate sections.

The best and/or most interesting works will be orally presented, and the Scientific Committee decides to give more time for the oral lectures. We also hope that you will find that invited key lectures reflect our goal considering most challenging current topics in the veterinary pathology.

City of Dubrovnik almost needs no presentation. Conference venue is close to the old city and I hope that every participant will find some extra time for him- or herself to visit and see what Dubrovnik offers to those who decide to give little bit more attention to this mystic, ancient place.

Local Organizing Committee did everything in its power to make your stay here pleasant, scientifically stimulating and socially important because every one and each of us is looking forward to meet old friends and to get new ones.

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Željko Grabarevic