The European Society of Veterinary Pathology (ESVP) is pleased to announce the availability of 15 bursaries, each valued 300 EUR, for Junior Veterinary Pathologists attending the ESVP/ECVP meeting 2011, which will be held in Uppsala from 8 to 10th of September.
Applicants should either be ESVP members, or should have submitted their application for membership (see web site > organization > membership and annual fees).
Applications for the bursaries should be submitted no later than June 15th 2011 to the Hon. Secretary of the ESVP (Enable JavaScript to view this email address.). This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, using the application form. The decisions will be made by the ESVP Board on a first apply basis.
Bursary cheques will be handed out to the successful applicants by the Treasurer at the Congress.