Category: Past ESVP Meetings
Past ESVP Meetings
Last Updated: 17 July 2021

34th Annual Meeting of the ESVP &
27th Annual Meeting of the ECVP

September 7th – September 10th, 2016 NEW DATE!
Complesso Belmeloro, via Belmeloro 14, Bologna, Italy



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and the European College of Veterinary Pathologists it gives us great pleasure to welcome you to Bologna for the ESVP/ECVP Meeting 2016 held in Complesso Belmeloro (Bologna, Italy) from September 7 to 10.

As always the meeting provides an ideal venue for the not-so -young and younger generations of veterinary pathologists from all over the World to exchange information and learn from each other as well as improve fellowship and friendship.

The Scientific Programme covers advances on emerging diseases, lymphoma and neuropathology and advices on the reviewing of scientific papers presented in plenary sessions by internationally-recognized speakers. There is also time for your oral and poster presentations in multiple theme-focussed parallel sessions. Furthermore your active contributions will be challenged in the mystery case presentations and participating at workshops planned on selected topics, one of which is planned for the evening and will be presented in a new clinician/pathologist interactive way.

You therefore have a lot of reasons to attend the ESVP/ECVP Bologna Meeting, and a further one is the opportunity to visit Bologna. City of art, culture and commerce, with a streamlined trade-fair organization and a well-known manufacturing and motor tradition, Bologna is famous for it’s almost 40 km of arcades, the longest in the world. Also called “The Learned” for its old University, and “The Fat” for its food tradition, the city has one of the largest and most well-preserved medieval historical centres. Among the symbols of Bologna there is the Neptune Fountain, and the medieval towers, particularly the magnificent Two Towers. A rich heritage of art is housed in the multitude of religious buildings, among which a special mention should be made of the complex of Santo Stefano, and the church of San Domenico with the Saint’s marble tomb by Nicolò dall’Arca and decorated with Michelangelo’s sculptures.

Alma Mater Studiorum is the oldest Western University. Its fi rst prestigious seat was the Archiginnasio. Here it is possible to visit the Anatomical Theatre, where practical lessons of cadaver dissection took place in the past. It is not possible to leave Bologna without having visited Palazzo Poggi, seat of the present University and of some of the University Museums, or without having admired the 17th century sundial and the wonderful chapels in the Basilica of San Petronio.

Awaiting to see you in Bologna,
The Local Organizing Committee


Local Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Giuseppe Sarli
  • Prof. Cinzia Benazzi
  • Prof. Barbara Brunetti
  • Dr. Giancarlo Avallone
    Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences,
    Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (Italy)
Local Organizing Commitee 2016


  • Vaccine strategies in emerging diseases
  • Emerging bacterial diseases (swine)
  • Diagnostic protocols of infectious diseases in swine
  • Neuropathology
  • Evaluation of renal biopsies
  • Lymphoma
  • Skin 

Attached Documents:

Organizing Secretariat

MV Congressi

Via Marchesi 26/d
43126 Parma (Italy)

Phone: +39 0521 290191
Fax: +39 0521 291314

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Important dates

Call for abstracts January 15th 2016
Deadline for abstract submission May 10th 2016 new date
Acceptance of abstracts June 10th 2016 new date
Registration open February 1st 2016
Early registration from February 1st to June 30th 2016
Late registration from July 1st to July 20th 2016


Abstract Submission

The Call for Abstracts will open on January 15th till May 10th, 2016. Abstract submission is possible only online through the website


Poster Session

Posters will be displayed into two turns: a fi rst group of posters will be displayed on September 8th, a second one on September 9th. The list of posters presented each day will be published on the website and communicated to poster authors in due time together with the instructions for the presentation.



ESVP-ECVP Annual Meeting 2016 Registration

Photo Header: Bologna by Ghiotto Stefano